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One Fish, Two Fish ...

One Fish, Two Fish ...
One Fish, Two Fish ...

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One Fish, Two Fish ...
One Fish, Two Fish ...

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As soon as I saw these fish cord ends I knew I needed to design something with them! The hardest part was being patient while the epoxy dried enough for me to start working on the piece :) Once you glue all of your cord ends (I used 13 lengths of 16") in to the mouth of the fish on one side and let that set, you can begin stringing on your beads. Then glue in the other side and wait. When everything has had a chance to dry, take 1/3 of your Wooly Wire and wrap it around the leather cords up against the mouth of the fish at each end. Divide your last 1/3 in half and wrap each side about 4 inches from the fish's mouth. Then taking 2 cords at a time, wrap with a complementary color or 2 of waxed linen, knotting in place. This adds a bit of additional texture and color to the piece.

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