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Sunstone Tumbled Nugget 10-15x8-10mm

Sunstone Tumbled Nugget 10-15x8-10mm
Sunstone Tumbled Nugget 10-15x8-10mm
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Inches Sunstone Tumbled Nugget 10-15x8-10mm Cemtimeters Reference coins
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15-16" strand
½ strand (loose)

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Item # 19130

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More about Sunstone

Sunstone gemstone beads are coral-orange with lots of sparkle! Some strands of sunstone will shine like the sun with gorgeous tropical color. This stone is often found in Australia and Oregon.

Sunstone, also referred to as aventurine feldspar, is a plagioclase feldspar. It can have aventurescence, or a glittery schiller effect caused by light reflections from tiny hematite, copper, or other mineral inclusions.

Sunstone is associated with leadership and cleansing.

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