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Red Bend Jasper Thin Sliced Oval Pendant 24x53mm

Red Bend Jasper Thin Sliced Oval Pendant 24x53mm
Red Bend Jasper Thin Sliced Oval Pendant 24x53mm
Red Bend Jasper Thin Sliced Oval Pendant 24x53mm
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Inches Red Bend Jasper Thin Sliced Oval Pendant 24x53mm Cemtimeters Reference coins
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About this item

Red bend jasper doesn't disappoint! So much visual texture is featured in each focal. Every pendant is entirely unique. With striation, patterning, and color changes this focal is ideal for distinctive necklace designs. Please see additional photos for variation.

Item # 64280
Hole size 2mm
Thickness 4mm

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More about Red Bend Jasper

These beads remind us of the gorgeous North Carolina red clay. Red Bend Jasper beads are gorgeous, colorful blends of saffron reds and sunbaked adobe. Thin striations and swirling bands characterize this type of jasper.

The red color of this stone likely comes from hematite inclusions. Jasper is a combination of chalcedony and quartz, and has been used in jewelry and decorative arts for thousands of years. It was often the stone of choice among Ancient Minoan, Egyptian, and Sasanian (Persian) Empires. The name Jasper comes from old French, jaspre, meaning “speckled stone”.

Jasper is said to facilitate nurturing behaviors and benefit healing.

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