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Peru Rhodochrosite Beads

The name Rhodochrosite comes from the Greek words “rhodon”, meaning “rose” and “chroma”, meaning “color”. The Incas believed rhodochrosite to be the blood of former rulers that had been turned to stone, therefore it is sometimes called "Rosa del Inca" or "Inca Rose".

Our Peru rhodochrosite beads are a pretty, semi-transparent watermelon pink color mixed with bands of cream, brown, and gray.

This beautiful gemstone is a rose pink colored manganese carbonate mineral. The ancient Inca silver mines of Catamarca province in Argentina are famous for stalactites made from rhodochrosite. These pink “icicles” can be sliced like cucumbers to reveal beautiful rings of rhodochrosite in different shades of pink. They form when manganese minerals are dissolved by groundwater, combine with a carbonate material, and then drip from the cave ceiling. Rhodochrosite can also be found in Colorado, Quebec, Peru, and South Africa.

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