Shop for Beads & Supplies:
Follow the Crossword Sale for a new sale every day in January. The sale for Jan 13 is: Red Beads and Supplies!


Hemp is perfect for marcrame or other knotting activities. Its roughness holds knots well and also adds a very natural look to your designs. We recommend using a bit of adhesive on your beginning and end knots—just in case! ☺ We carry the two most common weights: 10lb (approx 0.5mm) and 20lb (approx 1mm). The weights refer to the rope’s test strength (how much weight it can bear).

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Tying the Square Knot

Tying the Square Knot by Steve

The square knot is one of the most basic knots you can learn when you're starting macrame. This...

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Beaded Friendship Bracelet by Lima Beads

This friendship bracelet is made by simply knotting the strands together, and sliding on any bead...

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Lima Beads

Fiber Sparkle Fishtail Wrap Bracelet by Ali

I wanted something casual to wear by itself or stacked with other bracelets. Something that that...

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