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Violet Tendril Earrings

Violet Tendril Earrings
Violet Tendril Earrings

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Violet Tendril Earrings
Violet Tendril Earrings

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I always have a problem with earrings, because I love big jewelry. Big earrings tend to be a little heavy on the ears, so I often end up just wearing studs :( And then.... I met Heather French and her colorful lucite flowers! They make such a statement without carrying the weight you would typically get out of something so large. The beautiful watercolor effect is fantastic. Every time I turn them I find a new spec of color I didn't notice before. Since these flowers are green and deep violet, I chose to use the purple sari silk on the inside as the tendrils.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • 2 - 4" lengths of sari silk ribbon
  • 2 - Vintage Meadow Artworks large bellflowers
  • 2 - 2" eye pins
  • 8 - matte or frosted magatamas
  • 2 - leverback ear wires

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1

Take your 4" of sari silk and cut lengthwise in half. String both pieces through the loop in the eye pin, pulling through equal parts on all sides. Make several knots on each piece of sari toward the ends.

Step 2

String the eye pin up through the inside of the bellflower, so that the sari fills into the cavity of the flower forming the tendrils.

Step 3

String 4 seed beads onto the eye pin and finish off with a wire-wrapped loop. Attach to your chosen ear wire and repeat for the second earring.

See Tip: Wire Wrap a Charm

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