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Felted Pebbles Bib Necklace

Felted Pebbles Bib Necklace
Felted Pebbles Bib Necklace

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Felted Pebbles Bib Necklace
Felted Pebbles Bib Necklace
Felted Pebbles Bib Necklace

Project details:

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As soon as these felt rounds came in, I knew what colors I wanted to use together. I sat at my desk with piles of felt in front of me all mixed together and a shape started to form. All I had to do was figure out how to make the pile into a necklace! I absolutely love wearing a collar/bib necklace in the fall and winter and am so happy with how it turned out. This necklace could absolutely be made half the size and still be a cool statement piece.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • 20-30 10mm felt round, mixed colors
  • 50-60 15mm felt round, mixed colors
  • 10-16 20mm felt round, mixed colors
  • 2mm faceted crystal rondelles
  • C-Lon Fine Weight (.4mm) Bead Cord for forming the main structure
  • C-Lon Size D Thread for embroidering on the crystal
  • 2 5-6" lengths of large cable chain
  • hook or your preferred clasp
  • awl (or a skewer)
  • adhesive to secure knots

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Start by laying out all of your felt in the way in which you would like to to appear once stitched together. IMPORTANT: take an overhead photo.


Step 2

Using about 5-6' of C-Lon Fine Weight (.4mm) Bead Cord, thread most of your felt on a long strand from one end of the "pile" to the other end, make sure not to squish them tightly together. Now that you have a very long strand of felt, snake it into 3 even rows. "Fit" the rows into each other bending them into a funky smile and sew the rows together. Keep in mind the shape of your original layout. Make sure to reference your photo.


Step 3

Now you need to add more texturing/pebbling to the the piece. Sew your remaining felt rounds in varying sizes into and top of the your collar.


Step 4

After I had these steps completed I was going to stop, but something kept nagging at me ... felt is warm and cozy but it just doesn't sparkle. I chose to select a specific color, smoke, to embellish with tiny faceted crystal beads. I stitched anywhere from 10-15 crystals onto each bead in 2 different crystal colors using C-Lon Size D Thread. This went very quickly as I went in no particular order.

Step 5

To finish the necklace you will need to create a "drill hole" through a felt round using an awl or a sharp pair of round nose pliers at each end of your collar. Try to do this through a large felt round. Loop your chain link through the newly made hole and attach to the rest of the chain. Add a clasp and voila!