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Quartz Nugget Necklace

Quartz Nugget Necklace
Quartz Nugget Necklace

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Quartz Nugget Necklace
Quartz Nugget Necklace
Quartz Nugget Necklace

Project details:

in favorites

I love quartz with beautiful shimmering inclusions. They are like nature's surprise gifts in my beads. I wanted to stick with rich bronze tones for the necklace to accent the quartz. A 1.5mm leather cord fits nicely through the large tumbled nuggets, but I felt that it did not look "heavy enough" once the leather was out in the open. I chose to create a series of overhand knots in the leather cord for 2 1/4". The length of the necklace is 21" however this is a shorter necklace as it lays on the collarbone. The width of the nuggets makes the necklace diameter much shorter than what you may normally see in a 21" necklace.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • 5-9 large tumbled nuggets
  • 4' 1.5mm leather cord
  • 37 spacers or discs
  • 1' silk ribbon
  • 1 toggle clasp
  • adhesive

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Gather all materials. See list above.


Step 2

Begin stringing your nuggets and spacers discs from towards the middle of your leather cord. When you are halfway done stringing nuggets, switch to the other end and finish stringing.


Step 3

Once you have all your nuggets strung, you need to secure them in place. Tie an overhand knot using both your leather cord and your ribbon at the same time. Embellish with your leftover spacer discs at each end.
Mirror this step at the other end.


Step 4

After each knot amde with both the ribbon and leather cord, fray your ribbon so it looks feathery. To do this you need to pull your finger along the edge of the ribbon. Then holding your ribbon approximately 1/2" from the knot pull your ribbon in opposing directions until it pulls apart.


Step 5

To finish off the necklace, I wanted to make a heavier looking cord to balance the large nuggets. I created a series of overhand knots for 2 1/4" to achieve this look. You may need to make this portion longer or shorter based on the nuggets and quantity you chose.


Step 6

Complete your necklace by knotting on a lovely toggle clasp. Secure the knot with adhesive.

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