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Angel Paws Ornaments

AndreaP at Lima
Angel Paws Ornaments
Angel Paws Ornaments

Project details:

in favorites

These ceramic ornaments are the perfect way to honor your four-legged friends. Embellish these ornaments with wood beads, felt, hemp, or colorful beads that match your pets personality.

Supplies you’ll need:

You will need: •Gaea ornaments •Felt rounds •Wood beads •Hemp cord •Needle with Large eye

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Knot your hemp around the ornament loop and trim off one end. You can use a dot super glue for extra stability.


Step 2

Feed your hemp through the needle and start sliding the beads and felt on through the needle.


Step 3

Embellish the top with 6/0 seed beads. Form into a loop and tie a knot. Use a dot of super glue for extra stability.


Step 4

String your beads on the same way for the cat ornament.

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Package of 10
Package of 10