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by TierraCast on 06/23/22
Gemstones and metal accent beads arranged in luscious layers, with our handsome 3-loop Hammertone clasp for a striking finish. Our Longhorn charm cinches the western vibe. Skill Level: Beginning-intermediate Finished Size: 25-26" Designer: Tracy Proctor Tips: During stringing process don't tighten knots too tightly to allow for adjusting bead sections as needed before final steps. Apply super glue very lightly to 1/2" of cord ends to prevent fraying and facilitate bead stringing. Trim at an angle after glue dries.
1 Hammertone 3 Loop Magnetic Clasp 1 Longhorn Charm 1 Twisted Bail Large Diameter 14 Flower Nugget Large Hole Spacer Bead 38 Disk 5mm Spacer Bead 45 Hex 4mm Spacer Bead or 4mm Disk Heishi 22 Beaded 3mm Daisy Spacer Bead 6 Nugget 5mm Large Hole Spacer Beads 6 Round Jump Ring 16ga 5mm ID 1 Oval Jump Ring 4x3mm ID 14 Gemstone 10mm Heishi Beads, Tiger Eye 10 Gemstone 10mm Heishi Beads, Turquoise 8 Gemstone 8mm Rondelle Bead, Matte Picture Jasper 15 Gemstone 7-8mm Rough Heishi Beads, Turquoise 12 Gemstone 6mm Rondelle Beads, Matte Picture Jasper Size 11 Round Seed Beads, matte brown Size 11 Round Seed Beads, matte turqouise Size 6 Round Seed Beads or E Beads, opaque dark red .5mm (Tex 210) Nylon Cord, Dk Brown 20lb Hemp Cord, Dk Brown
chain nose pliers (2) round nose pliers scissors sharp nose tweezers or knot tying tool super glue 3 strand beading board
Top strand: Cut one 30" piece of .5mm cord.
Tie an overhand knot about 4" from one end. String on *1 turquoise seed bead, 3 brown seed beads, 1 3mm daisy spacer, 1 E bead, 1 3mm spacer, 3 brown seed beads and 1 turquoise seed bead*. Tie a second overhand knot after final bead and use tweezers or knotting tool to position knot close to bead. Tighten knot (see Tip above).
About 3/4" from previous knot tie a 3rd knot and repeat * through *.
Repeat Step 3 nine times. Set strand aside.
Middle strand: Cut one 33" piece of .5mm cord.
Repeat knotting and stringing process, alternating sections of Hex spacer beads with 4 7mm Picture Jasper rondelles, Hex spacers with 5 Turquoise rough heishi beads, and Hex spacers with 5 E beads. Use a total of 8 sections of beads spaced about 1 1/4" inch apart. Set strand aside.
Bottom strand: Cut one 36" piece of hemp cord.
String on 1 flower bead, 1 5mm disk spacer, 1 Tiger Eye heishi, 1 spacer, 1 heishi, 1 spacer, 1 heishi, bail, 1 heishi, 1 spacer, 1 heishi, 1 spacer, 1 heishi, 1 spacer, and 1 flower bead and position all at center of cord. Tie an overhand knot at each end of bead section.
Tie an overhand knot about 1 1/8" from knot at one end of bead section. String 1 flower bead, *1 5mm spacer and 1 turquoise heishi*. Repeat * through * 4 times, followed by 1 flower spacer. Tie knot.
Repeat Step 9 twice more using 5mm spacers with 4 8mm Picture Jasper beads, and 5mm spacers with 4 Tiger Eye Heishi Beads.
Repeat Steps 9-10 at other side of center bead section.
Arrange all three strands on beading board. Adjust knots and placement of bead sections as desired before securely tightening all knots. Tip: anchor the centers of each strand to the bead board with tape to keep the strands centered during next steps.
Close all round jump rings.
Bottom strand: thread one end of cord through 1 large hole nugget spacer, through 1 round jump ring, and back through spacer. Adjust cord so jump ring is positioned just above the 12" mark on the beading board. Slide spacer close to jump ring, then secure loose end of cord to main cord with two overhand knots just underneath the spacer. Tighten securely. Repeat at other side.
Repeat with middle and top strands, keeping jump rings even with 12" mark.
Apply small amount of glue to these knots and allow to dry.
At one side of necklace attach round jump rings to one side of magnetic clasp. Repeat at other side with second side of clasp, making sure magnet is facing opposite so they will meet when closing.
Use oval jump ring to attach charm to bail.
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